The Benefits of Acrylic Rendering
Acrylic render gives a premium finish with less maintenance (no painting required) and more crack resistance than cement render.
The benefits of acrylic render are significant... you get to choose from a wide range of textured finishes, from premium super smooth to fully textured finishes. On the work site there are no piles of sand required, no bags of cement, no clay or lime to add and no cement mixer or water drums required all of this makes acrylic renders perfect for tricky access sites. All materials come pre mixed in a bag and this means that you get a very consistent finish as there are no change in underlying materials. These features mean that an acrylic render gives a higher quality finish when compared to standard cement render.

A few questions we commonly get asked about acrylic render
Yes it can! This makes the process easier than with sand and cement render as old paint has to be ground off first, which can be very dusty and time-consuming
Pretty much any colour is available, although some considerations need be taken into account when choosing a darker colour on certain substrates
We have a range of samples already completed and are happy to bring these along when we meet and if you have something specific in mind we can do up a sample for you.